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miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

YEN after the earthquake

Usually I use the setbacks of Fibonaci, the Warning Estocástico Lento and historical lines of Support and Resistance to elaborate my Technical Analyses, this in combination with economic programmed news, which is named A Fundamental Analysis.

Nevertheless, today I learned that the events extra financial (Wars, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Nuclear Plants out of control, etc.) they are those who can generate major impact in the Mecado Forex, MAKING ANY ANÁLSIS USELESS.

The Earthquake that sympathetic(keen) on Japan last week, the terrible damages that cause the Tsunami and the collateral damage that has in Alert state to the Nuclear Plants of this Country, are the reason of the movements that have registered in the last days the crossings of ALL the Currencies with the Yen (JPY) and the Franco Suizo (CHF), these currencies last two that are positioned well as Currencies I Shelter in times of crisis.

The precipice that; North American Dollar, Euro, Frees Sterling, Australian Dollar they had today at the end of the session of trading of New York it(he,she) leaves me as education that in times of crisis like that we are housing in these days is better to forget the different crossings that the Market Forex offers with the JPY and the CHF.

If  doubts it, observe the attached graphs that exemplify the situation. 

In the EUR/JPY, the volatility was bigger than 700 pips (H = 113.479, L = 106.296).

In the GBP/JPY, in 11 minutes the Pound I collapse more than 500 pips.

In the USD/JPY, in 30 minutes the North American Dollar I collapse more than 325 pips, same that I recover in the following 4 hours.

For this magnitude of changes there is no Stop sign and Loss that resists, therefore I recommend not to do trading with the JPY and the CHF up to while the calmness and normality return to the Markets, until is You addicted to the Adrenaline and your account of investment has many zeros.